Senior FMNP Online Eligibility Application
Study Committee on Foreign Purchase of Farmland in Mississippi
MDAC Drone FAQ UAV Pesticide Application (PDF)
Federal-State Market Improvement Program
Employment Opportunities
Hemp Cultivation in Mississippi
Press Releases and Media Advisories
MDAC Notices
MDAC Ag Matters
What’s Fresh Newsletter
Farmers Markets in Mississippi
View current Mississippi Farm Market Prices for:
Historical Mississippi Timber prices
Mississippi Market Bulletin
The Mississippi Market Bulletin is your best source for information regading machinery, equipment, livestock, poultry, plants, seeds, or just about anything related to Mississippi Agriculture. When you subscribe, this wealth of information will be delivered directly to your door 24 times a year and it’s only a click away!
Pesticide Products Registration
This online application serves as a convenience assistance program that is designed to make pesticide registration easier and more cost efficient for pesticide registrants. In lieu of paper renewals, registrants may process their registrations/renewals online including label submission.
Feed, Fertilizer, Lime, and Soil/Plant Amendment Registration (FFLSP)
This registration suite allows you to manage your Feed, Fertilizer, Lime, and Soil/Plant Amendment Permits in an easier and more cost efficient way. By taking advantage of this convenient online application, you may process your registrations, renewals, and report tonnage online.
Seed Permitting
This registration system allows you to manage your seed permitting and inspection fee reporting in an easier and more cost efficient way. By taking advantage of this convenient online application, you may process your registrations, renewals and pay inspection fees online.
Fees and Fines Payment Services
This service allows you to pay various agency regulatory fees and fines. To pay online, please request an invoice number by contacting the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce at feesandfines@mdac.ms.gov.
Retail Food Sanitation License
This web-based portal allows over 2,500 businesses to register their retail food establishments with the agency and apply for and receive their Mississippi Retail Food Sanitation licenses online.